Ham Radio, Students and Scientists at the 2025 HamSCI Workshop
By: Rich Moseson, W2VU
Some 175 scientists, students, professors, and amateur radio operators from around the world gathered in person and virtually on March 14 and 15 to share research, educate each other, and network at the annual HamSCI Workshop. HamSCI, the Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation program, aims to promote collaboration between science, amateur radio, and education. The 2025 w...
ARRL Ham Radio Open House Continues to Grow
Dozens of amateur radio clubs have made plans to host an ARRL Ham Radio Open House in April. The nationwide event is centered around World Amateur Radio Day on April 18. 2025 is the 100th anniversary of the founding of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU).
While we’ve been using radio for well over 100 years, amateur radio operators continue to be on the cutting edge of innovation in ele...
76th International DX Convention April 11 – 13 in Visalia, CA
The ARRL Solar Report
Solar activity reached moderate levels due to an isolated M1.5/1n
flare on March 19 at 2040 UTC from Region AR4031. Regions AR4028,
AR4034, and AR4035 exhibited slight growth.
Region AR4026 re-emerged in the Southwest quadrant. Regions in the
Northwest quadrant, including AR4020, AR4022, AR4025, and AR4031 all
appeared to be in a decay phase.
No Earth-directed CMEs were detected in available coronag... -
FCC Initiates Broad Inquiry on Rules to Delete or Amend
In a Public Notice titled “In Re: Delete, Delete, Delete,” issued on March 12, 2025, the FCC is soliciting public input on any FCC rules in any service that members of the public believe should be deleted or modified “for the purpose of alleviating unnecessary regulatory burdens.” This is the latest in a series of similar proceedings going back to 1996, when the Communications Act was amended t...